An update: February 2024
Back in 2021 Katy decided to make a career change. She’d worked in warehousing, cleaning, and retail, but after a break in working to raise her children, she decided that she really wanted to pursue a career as an electrician.
With some support and training through the Women and Manual Trades programme and Lancashire-based employment organisation Rossendale Works, Katy soon became work-ready. She started an electrical apprenticeship with Concept Heating in January 2022, becoming the first female apprentice the company had employed.
As the Women and Manual Trades programme is all too aware, electrics and electrotechnical is one of the building trades that women are least well-represented in. It is estimated that just 2% of electricians in the UK are female – so Katy is helping to lead the way and inspire other women to follow in her footsteps.

Two years on, February 2024, and Katy is still enjoying the job. “I really enjoy working in a trade, I really like the people that I work with” she says. Due to having caring responsibilities for her children, she is working her apprenticeship over a longer period, but is set on achieving her Level 3 qualification.
We asked what her advice would be to other women who want to do something similar:
“Make sure you have a good support network. Go for it!”.
Of the future, Katy says:
“I want to finish my Level 3 qualification, and then go further. I’d like to get more into the technical side of electrics, and to specialise.” Katy’s next challenge to to learn to drive.
Katy’s employer, Paula Byrom at Concept Heating, says:
“Katy has children to care for which means she is taking a little longer to complete her apprenticeship. But we are more than happy to support this, as we know she’ll continue to be an outstanding employee for years to come once she’s qualified.”
5th February 2024